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    swipe right... or wrong

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    <img src="https://forumupload.ru/uploads/001b/de/72/143/433681.png">
    <div class="name_ep">- Troy Barnes & Andrea Reagan -</div>
    <div class="text_ep">a recipe for a perfect date: food, communication and a small bonus to spice it up
    <div class="time_ep">12/07/23</div>
    <div class="place_ep">«Conquistador»</div>



    Things didn't go as planned, but it was ok, Troy still had a hold on the situation. At least, the first contact was established. Oswald knew who he was, things were moving in the right direction even if the speed was much slower than desired.
    Troy was going to win him over, slowly, but surely. He was going to establish a strong foundation of trust between them and build the budding bromance on top of it. Oswald wouldn't know what hit him, that's how smooth and effortless the transition from strangers to brothers, to best friends will be.
    All he needed now was patience and an opportunity to prove himself. To show Oswald that he was a worthy brother, a reliable friend, and someone he could always count on.

    Dating apps were a standard part of Troy's travelling lifestyle. He’d update his location settings a few days prior to arriving at a new town, scope out the pool of singles or sometimes couples, who were advertising themselves on the app and create a picture of the town population in his head. The men with the fish, the women in their yoga gear – an outdoorsy town, filled with empty-headed attractive people, who won’t notice anyone missing for a few days because of how self-absorbed they were. Not that he would ever do something like that. He hasn’t killed anyone.

    Since his father.

    He was on his best behaviour when temporarily passing through small towns in pursuit of his big brother’s current home. He’d hook up here and there, but mostly looking for information or a brief distraction – permanent distractions weren’t welcomed, he had to stay focused on the one relationship that truly mattered to him. Of course, there was that one time when he almost got married and settled down, but it wasn’t a random swipe on an app. It was a calculated move that almost resulted in him marrying a woman, who he taught was his brother’s best friend. He was wrong, of course, but he knows that now. Back then, all the hints, clues, and evidence lead him to believe that he was doing the right thing.

    There were absolutely no clues, hints, or evidence of any sort.

    Why did that name sound familiar? The young woman in the picture was not looking at the camera when the photo was taken, her gaze somewhere far away. But there was something so familiar about her, that made Troy stop his monotone swiping and pause on her profile.
    Andrea, 26, Blackmore, CT. Waitress.

    This was Oswald’s Andrea. He mentioned her briefly, said that she worked for him. Troy was sure of it because Andrea wasn’t that much of a common name and after all how many Andreas who were waitresses in Blackmore could there be out there. So, this was his new connection to his big brother. His stepping stone. He’d win her over, have her put in a good word for him with Oswald and the three of them will leave happily ever after and all work at the bar together.


    For some unknown and unfair reason that grants the people who deserve it the least the most confidence, Troy didn’t doubt for one second, that Andrea will swipe right on him too. There was not a grain of uncertainty in him, he just knew that they will go out. It’s not that he was that good-looking or had a particularly interesting online profile, but he worked carefully and meticulously to create the most appealing and least threatening profile out there. Just a friendly-looking guy, your guy next door, the one who will help you if your car broke done and will never make a creepy passing comment on the length of your skirt. He looked harmless.

    They were chatting minutes later and he pulled the “I’d love to meet you in person and see if we have irl connection as well” after sometime.


    They agreed to meet up at the restaurant. Troy was annoyed that she wouldn’t let him pick her up at her place, but he has done this enough times to know, that it was an extra precaution that women had to implement these days to protect themselves from the various creeps and predators that were out there. Troy was appalled that women didn’t feel safe in today’s day and age.

    Self-awareness was not his strong suit.

    So, he parked the car in front of the building and headed inside to claim his reservation. Apparently the reservation wasn’t needed after all – the place looked deserted and the host / waiter / bartender and probably also entertainer, was half-surprised, half-annoyed that Troy actually showed up this evening. He took him to “the nicest table in house” – again, the place was deserted, and left him to wait for his date, destiny, and lifechanging meet-cute.



    Definitely left.
    Uh, gross, left and out of existence, could you be so kind, please?

    That was the last thing Andrea expected to find herself busy with – swiping left random weirdoes on a dating app. She used it occasionally but wasn’t a big fan of meeting online, especially with guys. Buuut... something (everything) didn’t go as planned.

    She stuck in the town (there were no chances to avoid admitting it anymore) which she... okay, probably, “hated” was a too strong word, but the one she really didn’t like. This time she didn’t manage to run away from overwhelming grief, guilt and other not very pleasant emotions. Instead, she wobbled helplessly somewhere in the middle of a shitstorm, with funerals, nasty family stuff, still unresolved tension with Stacy and now, to crown it all, fucking Ejiofor, breaking surface quite literally.

    Oh, fuck, you gotta be kidding me, left, left, left.

    No, it wasn’t three profiles in a row, just her hand shaking and not allowing to swipe a picture giving her an unwelcome flashback. A shirtless jock with all toothy smile and a gym selfie, really? The universe certainly wanted her to suffer.


    So, yeah, Andrea was far from her best emotionally and still had too much free time for her own good. She might have taken more shifts at the bar, but Oswald was pretty cagey every time she tried to talk about money. Plus, she had a vague feeling her drive intimidated the guy and she hadn’t reached the stage “if I suffer, everybody else must” yet. She had a sister for that after all. Thus, all Andrea needed now was just some kind of distraction. Something easy and not requiring her full commitment. “Well, not that easy” she scowled at the photo of a man spread on his bed in a supposedly seductive pose.

    Gosh, left.

    Okay, it was time to admit it was pointless from the very beginning. God knows what she was hoping for. Left and exit, or wait a second. Her finger froze somewhere between two buttons while Andrea looked over another profile picture. She couldn’t explain what made her stop – the guy, some Troy, was nothing special, which really made him one. No stupid jokes, creepy comments or bragging his biceps, six-pack or… other body parts. He looked friendly, neighborly, and Andrea’s inner alarm bell was off when she studied his profile. So, why the hell not give the guy a chance, that’s the point of all those apps, isn’t it?

    Troy kept his good vibe while chatting, she had a day off the next day, and the decision to go offline was made quickly.

    Andrea stopped at the restaurant entrance and frowned slightly. Had she worried if she would be able to put Troy’s offline face to his digital one, there were no reasons to. The place was almost empty. Not exactly what she expected choosing somewhere public to go. But apparently Spanish cuisine wasn’t that popular in Blackmore, who could’ve guessed? Well, at least she will have dinner at a place which she’d been planning to visit for a while (and which Troy had suggested, what a nice coincidence). Yes, she’d been in town that long to say so.

    Another reason not to worry was that Troy looked – how very refreshing – exactly as his profile picture. Friendly smile, expectant but not irritated look in the eyes, even though she was fashionably late.

    — Hey, — said Andrea approaching the table, — Looks like we own the place for tonight, — she smiled both as an indication she didn’t mind it and to appreciate Troy’s movement to pull out her chair. Uh, someone is a gentleman, — Sorry for making you wait, hope it wasn't too long? – the waiter was quick to come and suggest the menu with rather obviously fake enthusiasm. Andrea grinned at his back and returned all her attention to Troy, — Did you choose anything? – she asked, opening a booklet.



    She was 13 minutes late and Troy was fuming with rage. He followed the simple rule – being on time is late, so he always showed up everywhere a few minutes early.  To scope the surroundings, check all the good stalking corners, and prepare the emergency exit routes. However, he tried to find the silver linings. The extra time allowed him to fully calm his nerves, almost stop thinking about Oswald and the potential implications of tonight’s faithful first date and scope the very poor wine collection. The place actually offered more beer than wine, which wasn’t very Spanish. Troy smoothed the paper napkin in front of him, polished the fork and knife with the corner of his shirt, and ignored the waiter who was shooting daggers at him for daring to question the state of the silverware.

    Finally, the door to the completely empty restaurant opened and Andera graced him with her presence. In the dim light of the room, she looked rather unremarkable. Too fidgety, too alive. Almost nothing from the still, melancholic presence she exuded in her profile picture, was coming from her now. She took an awkward look around the space completely lacking any other visitors, noticed Troy, waved and made her way to his table.

    Barnes waived away her polite and not at-all sincere apology for being late, while promptly rising from his seat to pull out her chair for her. He wanted to be perceived like the gentlemen he was, and that meant picking her up – which she wouldn’t let him do, arriving on time – something she wouldn’t appreciate, and tending to her needs before she even had to voice them – hopefully she’ll cooperate at least in that area.

    — Not at all! – he said once Andrea was secured on her side of the table. – You are worth the wait. – He gave her a gentle smile, not too sleazy, not too eager, and pointed at the menu that the waiter left on her left.

    He also thought of making a joke about how he reserved the whole place for them, but changed his mind last minute, just in case she was less bright than she seemed, and took that joke to mean, that he was a wealthy, cheesy jackass who would do something like that.

    — I was actually waiting for you to hear the specials tonight, — partial truth. He did study the menu online, and then in person, but when the waiter suggested that he monologue the specials to him, Troy insisted that they wait for the lady of the hour to arrive. He suspected the specials weren’t that special and didn’t want to live through the experience of hearing them twice. – And I wasn’t sure what would you feel like drinking, so we only have water for now – he pointed at the rather unremarkable glasses filled with flat water. – Hydration is key! – He squeezed out an awkward laugh. – So, what would you like to hydrate with? Wine? A cocktail perhaps?

    While Andrea was looking at the menu, Troy was stealing glances at her. From up close she was back to looking nice and approachable. Slightly pale, but we deep dark eyes that looked rather intelligent and thoughtful – either she was really into the menu, or there was something to her. Her hair was nice too and she clearly tried to dress up nice but so it doesn’t look like she put too much effort into it – fair and predictable. Troy appreciated that instantly. He liked predictable, he felt comfortable with predictable. He knew exactly how to act with predictable and how to lead this whole situation into the right route to achieve his long-term goals with Oswald.

    — So, shall we hear the specials? – after giving her enough, in his opinion, time to consider the menu and the drinks, Troy waived at the waiter, who approached the table more eagerly than before. Evidently, the fact that an actual young and attractive woman appeared after all, made him reevaluate his commitment to the job.

    — Good evening and welcome to the «CONQUISTADOR»! My name is Tony, and I will be your waiter tonight. Have you dined with us before? – Tony introduced himself with extra gravitas. After both of them assured him that this is their first time at this remarkable establishment, Tony proceeded to present them with the specials: - Tonight, chef Carlos is serving Paella Mixta with a side of Patatas bravas. For an appetizer we recommend the Croquetas de Jamón Serrano and of course our world-famous gazpacho.

    Troy did his research and knew that despite the fact that Tony was rolling his “r”s to the best of his abilities, they world famous authentic Spanish cuisine prepared by chef Carlos (who was originally from New Mexico), at best would resemble popcorn shrimp and tater tots, but he was in the mood to play along and as a huge fan of turning every make belief into a reality, he was prepared to pretend as if they were in Barcelona for the night. So, he left the decision to Andrea:

    — I’m down to try anything, what do you say?
    Let the perfect date finally begin, 13 minutes late.


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